
We seek to build long-term, trusted relationships with borrowers who have vast domain experience.


We seek to build long-term, trusted relationships with borrowers who have vast domain experience.

What Do We Seek In an Operating Partner?
We seek to establish strong relationships with leading management teams that demonstrate a high level of energy, intelligence, and integrity.
Middle and lower-middle market specialty finance companies and non-finance companies with stable track-records, established documented policies and procedures, consistent operating performance, and/or asset-based collateral.
Why Partner with Mount Logan?

Our team’s expertise in specialty finance and real estate allows us to be flexible while creatively structuring transactions that meets both parties’ needs. We are able to evaluate opportunities quickly, provide certainty of execution, and offer a short time to closing. Additionally, we leverage our network to our borrowers’ benefit, helping them “graduate” to lower cost senior bank relationships upon demonstration of a sufficient track record, while often willing to partner with the company as a junior capital provider.

Target Attributes

Reputable & Experienced Management
Asset Diversification
Stable Cash Flows
Consistent Performance
Adequate Collateral and/or Cash Flow Coverage
Alignment of Incentives
Cash Controls
Regulatory Compliance
Borrower Pricing Power with Customers

Competitive Capital Raises
Thinly Capitalized Operators
Opaque Business Models
Binary Outcomes
Backend-Dependent Economics
Financial Control Weaknesses
Related Party Transactions

Target Investment Parameters
Position Size

$5MM - $50MM (or more with syndications/ participations)


Up to 5 years (1-3 years is typical)

Monthly payments of interest/preferred dividend


Senior revolving lines of credit and term loans

Junior revolving lines of credit and term loans

Preferred and structured equity investments

Asset purchase arrangements into SPVs


Fully collateralized with appropriate guarantees

Advance rates determined during diligence


Controlled cash accounts

Monthly financial and collateral covenant monitoring

Pre-funding and recurring collateral field exams

3rd party regulatory compliance reviews

Interested in working with us?

We are constantly vetting new investments and operating partners. If you think we may be a fit,
please send us a note to connect with our portfolio management team.

Contact Us